October 09, 2018

Anderson: Eight Months

Well, now that Mister Man (as his big sister likes to call him) is nine months old, I suppose it's time to get on here and update his eight months stats. Why am I ALWAYS behind on this? Poor, second kid.

Weight: ? (although, I would guess somewhere around 18 pounds)

Length: ?

Anderson continues to be one MOBILE little guy. He crawls at an INCREDIBLY fast rate, and it is often difficult for Mommy and Daddy to keep up with him. He has also started "cruising" this month, and seems to be closer to walking every day. He loves to walk around the perimeter of the couch, and is starting to stand for extended lengths of time (Daddy counted TEN seconds at one point!). Another (sad) milestone for Mommy is that Anderson decided to wean in the last month. Mommy's return to work seems to have heralded the end of Anderson's nursing journey. It still makes Mommy REALLY sad, but Anderson absolutely refused to nurse (despite Mommy's many, many, MANY attempts), so it was time. Everyone is less frustrated these days, and while Mommy still struggles, it was for the best. Anderson learned how to clap this month, but in a VERY unconventional way. You ask him to clap, and he slowly brings his hands together and laces his finger together, over and over. It's pretty cute! Anderson is starting to babble more and more these days, and seems to add more consonants to his vocabulary every day. But his most frequent utterance still remains, "Da da da da," much to Mommy's frustration.   

The book case. Cords. Wall outlets. Small choking hazards. Basically, Anderson loves all of the things that he is NOT supposed to play with. Mommy and Daddy have to be hyper-vigilant with hazards because Anderson seems to seek out the ONE thing in the room that could hurt him. Mr. Man also LOVES to climb and spends most of the day going up and over everything. He has discovered a real love of food this month. He used to make some pretty funny faces whenever new food was offered to him, but now he seems to eat everything with gusto (besides refried beans, which is a strange aversion). He is becoming less interested in bottles, and wants to eat ALL of the food. His favorite foods, like big sister, seem to be ANY form of pasta and ANY form of fruit. Anderson loves his sister best, Daddy second, and Mommy third. This is a huge shift from the early days (when he only had eyes for Mommy), but Anderson is seeming to become more of a "Daddy's boy" every day, again...much to Mommy's frustration. 

Not much. Maybe diaper changes? But only because he has to lie still for those. Anderson hates being made to stay still, but other than that, he's pretty much the happiest baby on the planet. 

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