March 10, 2022

Beau: Six Months

Weight: 17 pounds

Length: ??

This has been one of those months where a lot of milestones have seemed to pile up. Biggest on the list? Beau started eating solids this month! And, unsurprisingly, he LOVED it. He started with avocado, and from the first bite, he was hooked. He now eats whatever his family is having for dinner and it is so cute to see him being a big boy in his high chair every night. Beau has also started to sit up on his own for longer periods of time. As long as he has his hands braced in front of himself, he can sit for several seconds. He hasn't quite mastered it yet, but he is getting closer. He has also started to turn himself around while playing on his belly, and will spin around in search of toys. He is starting to pull his knees up (also while on his belly), and Mommy and Daddy think he will be up on those knees in no time. 

Does it need to be said? Food. Beau is a BIG eater and he is happiest when he is eating. He has tried a LOT of new food this month, but so far, his favorite has been turkey meatloaf. He ate more than his older siblings in one sitting and still wanted more! Beau also looooves his siblings, but especially Wren. She can get him to belly laugh faster than anyone else. He loves her antics and her energy, and she loves to entertain him, so it is a match made in heaven. Beau is also still a BIG time "cuddler." He loves nothing better than sitting belly-to belly on Mommy's lap and snuggling in. He still hasn't mastered nighttime sleep because he wants Mom to snuggle him all night long. But, unlike with her other kids, Mommy isn't in as big of a hurry to sleep train Beau (since he is her last baby), and is enjoying the cuddles. Especially because he is a champ at putting himself to sleep at the start of the night and gives Mom a niiiice, long stretch of sleep (from 8:00 to 1:00) before he needs to cuddle with her. 

Beau has started to develop an opinion this month, and it is pretty funny to watch. He does NOT like when his younger siblings take a toy away from him, and he will express his displeasure immediately. He also doesn't like it when Mommy and Daddy walk away from him and will let them know. But, in true Beau fashion, the crying doesn't last long, and he is typically back to his happy self in seconds (once the problem has been rectified). Beau also doesn't like when he isn't being fed fast enough at dinner time. Mom and Dad are doing "baby led weaning" with Beau, but he needs help with some of the foods. If the spoon doesn't get to his mouth fast enough, Beau will start to melt down. Dad is especially slow, and Beau lets him know IMMEDIATELY that he isn't being fast enough. But, despite all of these "hates," Beau is happy and smiley about 99% of the time, and he is truly SUCH a joy. 

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