January 19, 2023

Beau: Ten Months

Weight and Length: I'm never good at keeping track...

Beau had a VERY fun milestone this month: His very first epic, multi-week, "Russell Road Trip!" The Russell family likes to take some pretty intense road trips every summer, but since Beau-y Boy was born last summer, it didn't happen in 2021. That had to be rectified in 2022. The group decided to explore southern Utah's FIVE national parks by embarking on a fun-filled, action-packed 16 day trek through the beautiful desert. And, as expected, Beau handled it like a CHAMP. He was the perfect little road trip participant, and was happy to enjoy the scenery as it flew by. He took all of his naps either in his car seat, or in a hiking backpack. He didn't get any "real" naps on the whole trip (aka, in a bed), but he didn't offer up any complaints. He just smiled and went with the flow. That's kind of his standard way of doing things. Another AMAZING milestone for Mommy is that Mr. Beau decided to start sleeping through the night on the family trip! It was the first time he had slept in another "room" from Mommy (if one can count the trailer bathroom a "room"), and the distance seemed to help. By the second week of the trip, he had stopped waking up all night demanding to nurse, and everyone slept MUCH better because of it. Once the family trip was over, Mr. Beau's crib was moved into the "kid" room and out of Mom and Dad's. He struggled with it a bit, and tried to start waking up again, but Mom stayed strong, and after a few nights of having to cry it out a bit (the HARDEST thing for Mommy), Beau was able to figure it out and started sleeping well again. Hallelujah! Beau has also learned how to "pull up to stand" in the last month, and is getting more steady with it every day. One last milestone is that Beau finally got his two front teeth. Mommy and Daddy are sure going to miss his little gummy smile, though!

Mommy and food. Always and forever. They are equal in his eyes. Beau also LOVES being active. He is by far the most active of the the three Russell kids. From the minute he started crawling, he started exploring the world NON-STOP. If it can be climbed, he will climb it. If he can get into it, he will get into it. If it can be opened, he will open it. Beau is a mover and a shaker, and is happiest when he gets to explore.

As always, not much. Beau is rarely grumpy. He is pretty consistent with the fact that the only time he gets truly mad is when he is not getting his food fast enough. If he sees food, he will SCREECH until he gets it in his chubby little hands. It's entertaining, even if it is deafening. 

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