May 04, 2018

Anderson: Three Months

Weight: 11 lbs. 14 ounces

Length: ??

Mr. Anderson has had several outings now that he has reached the ripe old age of 3 months! Being born during cold and flu season made for a VERY paranoid Mama, and she kept him pretty much indoors for the first two months of his life. Anderson has now been to the beach, to Sea World, and to the zoo. He is the BEST when he is on-the-go. Mr. Man has also started to laugh this month and it is pretty much the CUTEST thing ever. He talks and coos non-stop and is ALWAYS smiling! He has also found his tongue and is constantly blowing spit bubbles (which means that his shirt is always wet). Anderson has rolled from his belly to his back, but since he HATES tummy time (and rarely gets placed on his belly), it doesn't happen very often. Anderson has also found his hands, and has learned to "bat" at the toys that hang from his play mat. One "not-so-fun" milestone that Anderson experienced this month was his first fever. Big sister got really sick with a fever and a cold, but thankfully mister man only had a fever and congestion for one day. 

Mom. She's his favorite person in the world, and he seriously can't take his eyes off of her. He likes everybody, but he LOVES his mom. Daddy tries to get his attention pretty regularly, be he usually only has eyes for his Mama. Anderson has also learned to love baths and the shower, and is pretty content to hang out in either one. Anderson still loves to cuddle, and still loves it when Mommy "wears" him. He takes his best naps while being worn (or in his stroller) but rarely at home. Anderson LOVES being talked to and coos and laughs happily anytime someone makes eye contact with him. He also loves his swing, and will hang out in it while Mom makes dinner, or tends to his sister. He has become "okay" with being put down (a huge change from his first two months of life), and is usually pretty content to just hang out.

Still sleep. He surprises Mom every once in a while with a decent nap, but most of the time, he just takes cat naps all day long...and still wakes up anywhere from three to eight times a night. It's pretty much killing Mom, but since he's the sweetest baby EVER, she tries not to complain (but doesn't always succeed). Like his Mama, Anderson hates loud noises. He goes from perfectly content to crying almost inconsolably if startled by a loud noise. As mentioned above, he also hates being on his belly, so tummy time happens very rarely. And strangely enough, Anderson HATES being burped. He gives VERY loud cries of annoyance whenever he has to stop eating in order to burp. It would be funny if he didn't make burping almost impossible with his back-arching and crying (which seems to keep the burp from coming out).

Despite the long list of "hates," Anderson is actually a REALLY happy baby. His moments of discontent are pretty rare and short-lived, and he spends most of his days with a smile on his face, happily watching the antics of his sister or following Mom with his eyes.

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