August 21, 2018

Anderson: Six Months

Weight: 16 pounds 

Length: 28 inches

Mommy has said it before, and she'll say it again: some months, the milestones PILE up, and this month is no exception. Anderson has decided that he is not content to be in one spot, and needs to be on the go AT. ALL. TIMES. At six months old, Mr. Man has decided to crawl. And not just army crawl, full-on crawl. Mommy and Daddy don't know what to do with all of the mobility. Big sister was nine months old before she really started to crawl, so having a baby that is crawling at six months old is throwing them off of their game. Anderson has also become an expert champ at sitting up this month. No more toppling for the little guy. You set him down, and he will stay sitting. Also, he can go from the crawling position, to the sitting position all on his own. At his six month appointment, Anderson's doctor told Mommy that Little Man has the motor skills of a much older baby. No surprise there. Mommy has been chasing him around for weeks now. Anderson is still getting better every day at sleeping. He moved out of Mommy and Daddy's room, and is surprisingly sleeping better now that he shares a room with his sister. Who would have guessed? Mommy was sad (at first) but is now really enjoying her improved sleep, and Daddy is enjoying being able to make noise again without Mommy "shushing" him all the time. His naps are never shorter than 1.5 hours, and he usually only wakes up 1-2 times a night. Every once in a while, he will have a rough night and it will take quite a while (up to two hours) for him to go back to sleep. Thankfully, those nights are pretty rare. Mommy thinks that one of the major reasons that sleep has improved is because Mr. Man has figured out how to find his pacifier (in the dark), put it back in his mouth, and put himself back to sleep. Hallelujah! Anderson also had his first bite of food this month (avocado) and he was NOT a fan. He made HILARIOUS faces and dramatic gagging noises, so solids don't happen too often.

Loves: His big sister. More than anything. Maybe even more than Mommy these days. Anderson thinks that big sister Wren is the best thing ever, and he simply lights up whenever she is around. He has also discovered (with all of his newfound mobility) that he likes cords. Mommy and Daddy have to be careful, because if there is a cord at ground level, Anderson will find it. Anderson has been dubbed "perma-grin" by those who know him because he really is the happiest little guy, and basically grins at anybody who happens to look his way. He LOVES people, especially other little ones, and will follow you around all day long.

Not too many hates for Mr. Anderson now that he has stopped hating sleep (he seems to only mildly dislike sleep these days). He really is just the smiliest, happiest baby you will ever meet.


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