April 01, 2021

Anderson: Two to Three

Well...I haven't updated this blog in over a year. I will blame 2020. Aren't we allowed to do that? Blame everything on 2020?
But, since I REALLY enjoy going back and reading about my kids when they were tiny, I know I will regret it if I don't keep this tradition alive. So, here we go.
Anderson, my joyful little ray of sunshine is THREE! He is happy 99% of the time, and is genuinely such a kind person. It may sound strange to describe a three year old as "kind," but it's fitting. I don't think he has a mean bone in his body. He isn't your typical toddler. He shares well with others. He rarely throws tantrums. He is obedient and asks my permission before he does anything (his sister has set a good example there). He is never destructive and always sweet. He is SO much like his dad that it's eerie. It seems like he has inherited all of the things that I love most about his dad, so it is NO surprise that Anderson has me wrapped SO tightly around his chubby little "hinger" (read on to find out about that reference).
Here are his "stats."

Weight: 33 pounds (I think?)

Height: Again...no idea. He has always been in the "average" range.

Anderson's most recent milestone is, drum roll please, POTTY TRAINING! He has not been interested in going on the toilet, and Mom is not one to push potty training, so Mom and Dad have just been going with it. Then, his older cousin came and stayed for a few days last month. Anderson saw him being a "big boy" and wanted to be just like his cousin. He was potty-trained by the next week. 
Anderson, like his sister, is a chatty little thing. He is non-stop, and will try to talk over the people around him if he has something to say. He has a collection of delightful "Anderson-isms" that everyone around him enjoys quite thoroughly. Top of the list are "hingers" (fingers), go-nana (banana), go-nuggets (chicken nuggets), zillars (lizards), and so on. He knows all of his colors, all of his shapes, can count to 20, and is starting to identify letters. He starts preschool this August, so Mom will start working with Anderson on writing his letters, especially his name. He is also an expert architect and makes the most amazing structures out of his magnet tiles all day every day. 
Perhaps Anderson's most impressive milestone is the mastery of his "pedal bike." Daddy insisted on getting him one for Christmas (because big sister was also getting one). Mommy was hesitant, thinking that Anderson was WAY too young (he wasn't even three yet), but gave in. Anderson impressed EVERYONE by getting it down on only his second try. He was too short to even put his feet on the ground while sitting on his seat, so he needed help getting started, but after only a month or so, he figured out how to get started all on his own, and now he cruises around without any issue. Everyone is always so surprised to see such a tiny kid riding a bike around without training wheels. 

Anderson sailed through the "terrible twos," and continues to be genuinely the most pleasant and happy child ever created. He loves most things, but at the top of his list are cars, trains, and super heroes. He is always asking for a "giant Lightning McQueen track," and carries around his favorite "golden car" wherever he goes. He also loves Thomas the Train and sets up some elaborate tracks. He is definitely a builder and always impresses Mom and Dad with the things that he can build and create. Anderson's favorite super hero is Spiderman, and he often plays "make believe," with webs shooting out of his fingers on the regular. Anderson's favorite food is pizza (like father, like son) and french fries. He will consume both with gusto. 
Anderson continues to be incredibly social and has a smile for most everyone. He loves people, and people love him right back. He tends to be everyone's favorite (again, like father, like son), and can genuinely lighten your mood with his infectious smile. And Mom is not biased. It is fact that he is universally adored by everyone. He's just that special. 

Not much. Anderson can be a picky eater (need I say it again? Like father, like son), but that's about it. He's just such a good-natured, easy going, and happy kid. His "tantrums" are so infrequent that it is hard to pinpoint anything in particular that he truly doesn't like. The only thing that consistently upsets him is when Mom tries to limit screen time. The boy LOVES his Lightning McQueen videos, so when Mom says, "time's up!" he gets pretty upset!

As always, it is SO difficult to capture this dude in a small blog post. But, if I had to sum Anderson up in one word, it would be: joy. He embodies it. He exudes it. He is my sunshine boy, and boy do I love him more than anything!

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